External Functions


As we saw with the InterpolateExternalVector function in our Interpolation related examples, it is possible to call functions not written in Modelica. Typically, such functions are written in C or Fortran. A function implemented outside Modelica does not contain an algorithm section. Instead, it should include an external statement that provides information about the external function and how to pass information to and from the function.

The minimal requirement for an externally implemented function is to include just the external keyword, e.g.,


In this case, it is assumed that the function is implemented in C, that the name of the function matches the name of the Modelica “wrapper” function and that the arguments are passed in the same order as the input arguments to the Modelica function.

Let’s consider a slightly more complex case like the one found in our VectorTable type shown in the Interpolation examples:

  function destructor "Release storage"
    input VectorTable table;
    external "C" destroyVectorTable(table)
      annotation ...
  end destructor;

Here we see that the implementation language of the function has been explicitly specified as "C". There are two other possible values for the implementation language, "FORTRAN 77" and "builtin". The use of "builtin" is mainly of interest to Modelica tool vendors.

We also see that the name of the function has been explicitly specified. The portion of the external statement that reads destroyVectorTable(table) specifies what data should be passed to the external function and in what order.

In some cases, it may be necessary to specify some of the values passed to the external function and to specify how the results of the function call map to the output variables. We can see this kind of information in the following function:

  function constructor
    input Real ybar[:,2];
    output VectorTable table;
    external "C" table=createVectorTable(ybar, size(ybar,1))
      annotation ...
  end constructor;

Here, the external function needs to know the size of the ybar array since that information is not passed directly to the function. It also indicates that the result from createVectorTable should be assigned to the output variable table. It might seem obvious that the return value of the C function should be treated as the return value from the Modelica function, but there are cases where the output variables should be passed as arguments to the function. As we will see shortly, in such cases pointers are used so that the external function can assign values to these variables.

Data Mapping


The following table shows how Modelica types map into native C types when passing data into external functions.

Modelica C (input arguments) C (output arguments)
Real double double *
Integer int int *
Boolean int int *
String const char * const char **
T[d1] T' *, size_t d1 T' *, size_t d1
T[d1,d2] T' *, size_t d1, size_t d2 T' *, size_t d1, size_t d2
T[d1,...,dn] T' *, size_t d1, …, size_t dn T' *, size_t d1, …, size_t dn
size(...) size_t N/A
enumeration int int *
record struct * struct *

A few additional comments about this table. First, it is assumed that all strings are null (\0) terminated. Also, in the case of arrays the type T' indicates the C type that the Modelica type T would be mapped to (using this same table). Finally, a record is mapped to a struct in C where the members of the C structure correspond in order to the members of the Modelica record. Types of members in records are mapped using the second column of this table (i.e., as if they were input arguments).

For data returned by a C function, the following mapping applies:

Modelica C
Real double
Integer int
Boolean int
String const char *
T[d1] T' *, size_t
T[d1,d2] T' *, size_t d1, size_t d2
T[d1,...,dn] T' *, size_t d1, …, size_t dn
size(...) size_t
enumeration int
record struct *


If you need to work with Fortran functions or subroutines, the following type mappings apply:

Modelica Fortran
T[d1,d2] T', INTEGER d1, INTEGER d2
T[d1,...,dn] T', INTEGER d1, …, INTEGER dn
size(...) INTEGER
enumeration INTEGER

Two important things to note about this table. First, there is no mapping for strings or records. Second, since Fortran uses pass by reference semantics, all variables passed into and out of these functions are assumed to be pointers. For this reason, there is no distinction made whether the variable is an input or an output of the Modelica function.

Special Functions

There are a number of functions that can be called from external functions to interact with the Modelica runtime. For each function, the name of the function, its prototype and an explanation of the functions purpose are described.


void ModelicaVFormatMessage(const char*string, va_list);

Output the message under the same format control as the C-function vprintf.


void ModelicaError(const char* string);

Output the error message string (no format control). This function never returns to the calling function, but handles the error similarly to an assert in the Modelica code.


void ModelicaFormatError(const char* string, ...);

Output the error message under the same format control as the C-function printf. This function never returns to the calling function, but handles the error similarly to an assert in the Modelica code.


void ModelicaVFormatError(const char* string, va_list);

Output the error message under the same format control as the C-function vprintf. This function never returns to the calling function, but handles the error similarly to an assert in the Modelica code.


char* ModelicaAllocateString(size_t len);

Allocate memory for a Modelica string which is used as return argument of an external Modelica function. Note, that the storage for string arrays (= pointer to string array) is still provided by the calling program, as for any other array. If an error occurs, this function does not return, but calls ModelicaError.


char* ModelicaAllocateStringWithErrorReturn(size_t len);

Same as ModelicaAllocateString, except that in case of error, the function returns 0. This allows the external function to close files and free other open resources in case of error. After cleaning up resources, use ModelicaError or ModelicaVFormatError to signal the error.